Psoriasis in children

Children psoriasis is an unpleasant phenomenon, not only young patients but also their parents. Chronic disease causes anxiety and concern of adult health for babies. Fortunately, the disease is not related to infectious infections not transmitted by contact with other children and through household goods. What causes psoriasis in children and whether it can be cured?

Causes of child psoriasis

A child's life is filled with emotional outbursts, joys, sorrows, and physical exercise much more than adults. The organism is exposed to the physiologically and psychologically, so most of the causes of psoriasis. Doctors are united in their list:

  • The first is genetics. If one of the parents of a child with psoriasis-25% cases the baby will inherit the disease. The disease in both parents increases the risk of 50-70%.
  • Serious Allergy. Children eat many products which are serious allergens (chocolate, shellfish, citrus fruits, berries). In the body, they cause stress to the digestive tract and adversely affect the nervous system of the child patient.
  • Stress associated with physical activity. It is estimated that about 18% of children infected with psoriasis, has earned it because of physical stress (hypothermia, severe wear, thermal shock).
  • Mental stress. A small body unstable emotionally, she grieved the death of loved ones, scandals in the family, communication problems in the school, the situation-specific fears. The task of parents is to reduce such tension.
  • Disruption of metabolism due to malnutrition, when parents are not watching their children.

The diagnosis of the child psoriasis

Clever enough to see the first signs of psoriasis in children diagnose external examination of the child patient. To rule out other skin diseases, often occurring in childhood, is defined bioscopy (scraping), skin, and blood and urine tests.

What forms of psoriasis affect children? In order to understand how psoriasis in children, you need to know. Doctors divide the disease of several main types:

  • The spotted form. Caused by staphylococcal infection. Damage to the presence of reddish spots the size of 1 cm Appear to notice your psoriasis in children, feet, hands, body. If weakened immunity and susceptibility to disease in the region of sunspots more.
  • Asymmetrical shape. The type of disease that attacks the joints of the limbs. The external signs of psoriasis in children, combined with the pain, when a child complains that his fingers hurt. This type can develop psoriatic arthritis, which is much more dangerous to your health.
  • Pustular form. In children rarely develops. It is characterized by the appearance of small papules, gradually merge into one big place. In severe cases the lesions can cover the body.
  • Erythrodermic form. Associated with inflammation and swelling areas.
  • Vulgar form. Occurs psoriasis in children the head in the form of pink spots. Capable of hitting small and large joints. Appeared in the same places.
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Symptoms of psoriasis in children

Notice the initial symptoms of psoriasis in children is difficult, because the disease occurs in a small inconspicuous place. The spot does not attract the attention of the child, it does not itch, does not hurt, the child complains to the parents. Rash get seen even less, if your daughter or son's thick hair, and the amount of the rash is minimal.

Easily identify psoriasis in children face pimples dot your cheeks, forehead, ears. The rash may be accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • strong redness of the skin;
  • chills and fever.

Particularly evident disease of the skin, which is tightly in contact with the clothes. Friction cloth on the affected area causes itching and inflammation, it will damage the epidermis, which leads to the progression of the disease. New fast transformirovalsya papules to large plaques, which are interconnected and form a slick of up to 5 cm in diameter. What methods of struggle with the disease, modern medicine offers?

Methods of treatment for children psoriasis

Modern methods of treatment of psoriasis in children effective enough to stop the development of pathology. Completely cleanse the body of illness does not work. If the young patient is the primary hospital treatment, which makes it possible to determine the stage and type of disease, and having the right tactics of treatment.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of children with psoriasis treatment using the same drugs as the treatment of diseases in adults. Little patient can be given:

  • Sedatives sedatives (Motherwort, Valerian). Drugs reduce emotional arousal of the child and prevent the exacerbation of a chronic process. Particularly useful of such funds at school age, when to change the rhythm of life of the child.
  • Disease sensitivity, a debilitating allergic reaction, drugs (5% calcium gluconate or 10% calcium chloride). Background Allergic plaques become inflamed, which produces powerful discomfort for the child.
  • If itching bother the child always take anti histamine with age dose.
  • Sedatives reduce exercise to protect our children from the damage in the affected areas.
  • B-vitamins administered by injection. The course of treatment — 10-20 injections.
  • Vitamins C and A.
  • Blood transfusion coupled with weekly introduction of albumin.
  • Pyrogens helps to improve the permeability of blood vessels. Medications can slow down the skin cell division, preventing the formation of new plaques.
  • In some cases, when the disease is severe, the amount of glucocorticosteroids.

These medicines the patient should be in hospital or under medical supervision.

Use external tools

Important tools in the treatment of psoriasis are ointments, creams and lotions. Use them to treat the affected areas.

If the kids psoriasis on the face or head, used euphyllinic or papaverine ointments. The drug is rubbed gently, careful not to break the surface of the plaques.

The hands and feet is useful to make a bandage salicylic acid, sulfur-tar or prednisolone ointments. Ointment apply to the affected area, wrap with cellophane, seal with a bandage, leave the sauce overnight. Under the influence of the drug composition of the plaques have softened, reduce their intensity and fall off the scales.

Local application by adding sapropel improves skin moisture balance, reduce inflammation and itching. If the rash has affected the entire body, use the sapropel therapeutic baths.

Other treatments

In addition, pills and ointments, for the treatment of psoriasis in children used physiotherapy procedures. Soothing baths and UFO to reduce the severity of symptoms, the easier it will relieve the little patient's unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and pain.

Effectiveness of treatment depends on how to eliminate the causes that trigger the disease. So, younger patients, patients with psoriasis must be carried out sanitation of the oral cavity. The procedure helps identify and eliminate foci of infection (dental caries).

Prevention of child psoriasis

Even knowing the cause of psoriasis, the disease is difficult to predict, especially, to figure out when it can occur. Because the child is not able to build their lives so that it reduces the risk of disease, the parents need to perform a pre-emptive task.

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What is important to remember?

Parents should always remember that psoriasis is an incurable disease that stays with a child for life. If you ever teach him to eat properly, to dress, to comply with hygienic procedures, in the future it is easier to carry the disease, and it does not go to the severe form.

Of course, if someone in adult patients with psoriasis, prevent its occurrence is a son or daughter, almost impossible. If to speak about other reasons, so they can be removed. Follow these rules:

  • To protect children from psychological and physical stress. Try to avoid the family scandal in the eyes of the daughter or son. Make sure that the child was not long in the cold, no big loads on the body physically, and it wasn't long in the sun unprotected head, so as not to get heat stroke.
  • Buy baby clothes made from natural materials that do not contain chemical dyes.
  • Treatment in the diet of children. In the menu, the baby must not be present in the products, which have a strong allergenic feature. To remove meals, which has caused an allergic reaction for your child.
  • If a child is sick with a cold or other illness, give him medications prescribed by your doctor. Do not self-medicate.
  • Any, even the most innocuous you think the drug can improve the pathological process, deliver a lot of discomfort to your treasure.